Happy Halloween

This is just step one. I am not allowed/supposed to smile while wearing something so formal.

With TianFang and Yuta after the Halloween Masquerade
Not that anyone back home really celebrates it, but Happy Halloween! We had a Halloween Masquerade party in the Kaikan and I borrowed Yuta's traditional aristocrat garments. Wow. Getting dressed is a challenge in itself and you could walk the streets of Kyoto in the dead of winter and still feel warm!
Sugoi ne!
Hi Ah pek..
The costume makes ou look lke an old man.. or a charactor out of the wizard of Oz.. muhahaha
U gotta slow down with the "ageing" man.. if not you come back i can't catch up with you! Happy hallowen!
hey you... sorry.. was away from the comp when you msged me... just wanted to drop a note saying hi :D ... i'll try to catch you online again k... :D take care!!!!
must go check whether the collar direction is correct before you go out! coz i tink left outside is reserved for the dead.
take care and ve fun over there
Mad: I am not an ah pek!
Is this huihua? Well, Yuta dressed me so its not my fault! Yea, although I always thout it was right outside was for girls or something.. dunno la haha
yar.. it's me.
grin. you were still smiling!!
Joe: Yea, a Katana would look great!
Wolfe: Well, i was trying (not very hard tho) not to smile. heh
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