Temperature Fluctuations

The Street Next To Tenjin Eki [Train Station]
When I arrived in Fukuoka on the 1st, the temperature was a sweltering 29 degrees, and for the next 3 weeks I was going about in T-shirt and Berms like how I would do back home. However, for the past 2 days, the temperature has dipped to 18 degrees in the day, and it hit 9 degrees at night yesterday night. I found myself digging into my suitcase to find trackpants, sweaters and coats. Basically, stuff that i never had to bother with back in Singapore. Yesterday night I switched from Air Con to Heater mode for the first time.
Autumn is here, at last.
hate. spammers.
u gotta enable the word verification thingy.. heh..
Oh my gosh, tempura Japan hour style.
Halo.. =) hope you are having a good time there!! take care of yourself dude.
Joe: Boey is shaoqiang, the person who said looks familiar
Weiye! How did u find this blog?
Qiang: Must try when u are in Japan yea!
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