Tuesday, October 11, 2005


This is, as requested, for Huihua

This is the dorama [Yoshitsune]
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The TV is a bane for my netless nights. I do not have internet access in my room, and I do not intend to get it because it would cost an arm and a leg to get it. The TV is a great substitute, and I have been hooked on many dramas and its guilty pleasure especially if I can justify it by claiming it to be for language improvement purposes. This is some period drama, starring Hideaki Takizawa. I cant seem to catch what they are saying except for the word [kamakura] which occurs once every 2 minutes. There is another one that I like better, a contemporary one about a henpecked husband who everyone envies because his wife is so chio, but no one knows what a monster she is. Hilarious. I think the title is Devil Wife or something.


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