With the Shimizus

Lunch, Handmade Udon, with Kouji, Eiko and adorable Rin-chan

We drove to the outskirts of Fukuoka prefecture to visit this very quaint buddhist temple on the top of the hill.

With some of the 500 little monks
I obviously need more sleep and have been snacking too much.Contrary to what this blog suggests, I HAVE been working very hard recently to finish a marathon 6 class papers and exams.

Me & Rin-chan
Rin-chan happened to run towards me and hugged my leg. Picking her up, I bounced her up and down. Kouji, amused, took this shot. She's terribly adorable. Perhaps she's still too young to be bratty. haha

With the Shimizus. This will be the last time we will be heading out before I go back home. Sigh. All things must end one day
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