Farewell Party #1
Its starting already, the farewells. The good-byes.

With just some of the WONDERFUL folks from Agape House
I thank God that He had brought me here, and that it is by no accident that I was brought to Agape House. I am thankful for all the opportunities that i have had over the course of this year to grow spiritually, and also for all the opportunities to continue serving the Lord even in this foreign land. It has indeed been a growing and enriching experience, worshipping and serving the Lord with my brothers and sisters from all over the world, bonded by love.

Its good to have a spiritual family. thank you, thank you all so much.

With just some of the WONDERFUL folks from Agape House
I thank God that He had brought me here, and that it is by no accident that I was brought to Agape House. I am thankful for all the opportunities that i have had over the course of this year to grow spiritually, and also for all the opportunities to continue serving the Lord even in this foreign land. It has indeed been a growing and enriching experience, worshipping and serving the Lord with my brothers and sisters from all over the world, bonded by love.

Its good to have a spiritual family. thank you, thank you all so much.
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