Farewell Party #5
With my friends from the Masters Law course in Kyudai, Hawaiian Restaurant, Daimyo

Frankly, I was overwhelmed. I could have never expected a more meaningful night. I would have been happy if just 5 people showed up, because 3 of our papers were due the day after, and everyone had yet to finish them, and the thesis was due very soon. It was an emotionally tough night for me, especially after Carlo gave me the DVD of the photos we took and the movies he made of us, after talking to everyone of them individually and hearing all the personal words of encouragement from each of them, Reall, this year has been so meaningful, in part because of friends like them.
Thank you guys, so, so, so much. I will never forget this night, not with the grouchy man in the bus telling the whole lot of us to shut up, and the policeman incident at the beach after our takeaway supper of MOS burger. Haha. Hilarious. Bittersweet memories interlaced with the poignant dash of regret. I will never forget this year.

Frankly, I was overwhelmed. I could have never expected a more meaningful night. I would have been happy if just 5 people showed up, because 3 of our papers were due the day after, and everyone had yet to finish them, and the thesis was due very soon. It was an emotionally tough night for me, especially after Carlo gave me the DVD of the photos we took and the movies he made of us, after talking to everyone of them individually and hearing all the personal words of encouragement from each of them, Reall, this year has been so meaningful, in part because of friends like them.
Thank you guys, so, so, so much. I will never forget this night, not with the grouchy man in the bus telling the whole lot of us to shut up, and the policeman incident at the beach after our takeaway supper of MOS burger. Haha. Hilarious. Bittersweet memories interlaced with the poignant dash of regret. I will never forget this year.
James, whenever you're feeling sad or lonely, just remember to repeat this mantra and you'll have a smile on your face in no time:
Hitori...ok, Futari...DAME!!!!!!
And oh, don't forget to say it with an American accent. Hahahaha.
haha...james, i think it's good you went to law school cause you're acting was REALLY BAD! hehe...well at least you know that your japanese is so good that you can't even fake that you don't understand anymore!
we'll miss you!
Yea i know. I was grinning to myself the whole time after I read your comment. :D
and Sena:
I finally found out how to do it! I was in Phuket and was buying beer from the supermarket, apparantly there was a curfew (you couldn't buy alcohol before 5pm, maybe they didn't want people to get drunk in the day) and the cashier was trying to explain it to me in thai... given my limited thai, i only gave her a blank look. THAT. was the look that I needed to give to the policeman if i wanted to convince them that i couldnt understand Japan at all
The photo of you guys are on my desk! :D
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