Mochi-Tsuki & Thanksgiving
Here's a dummies guide to how to make Japanese 餅(mochi)/大福(daifuku). First you steam a pot of glutinous rice, then you place it (the rice! not the pot!) into a stone bowl, and smash it ceaselessly with wooden... hammers(?) as shown:

The really professional people can probably average 2-4 hits per second, but when we were doing it, it was probably much slower :P When it sticks, add a little water, and coninue. Anyway after you get a smooth consistency, it is ready to be seperated into little pieces. Wrap some azuki bean paste balls with the rice dough and roll it with your hands, like this:

Of course, there is a secret technique to it, so that it actually comes out looking like a mochi, like this: Ta-da!

I have been here for close to 2 months already. Of course there are many things that I still find unsatisfactory (like my incompetence in Japanese) but there are an overwhelming number of things that I would like to give thanks for, for the opportunity to actually be here, for the people that I have met and the friends I have made, and a chance to find myself, to learn and to experience first-hand God's providence when I am residing in an alien land. As written in Psalms 100:4
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever"
And thankful, I am.

The really professional people can probably average 2-4 hits per second, but when we were doing it, it was probably much slower :P When it sticks, add a little water, and coninue. Anyway after you get a smooth consistency, it is ready to be seperated into little pieces. Wrap some azuki bean paste balls with the rice dough and roll it with your hands, like this:

Of course, there is a secret technique to it, so that it actually comes out looking like a mochi, like this: Ta-da!

I have been here for close to 2 months already. Of course there are many things that I still find unsatisfactory (like my incompetence in Japanese) but there are an overwhelming number of things that I would like to give thanks for, for the opportunity to actually be here, for the people that I have met and the friends I have made, and a chance to find myself, to learn and to experience first-hand God's providence when I am residing in an alien land. As written in Psalms 100:4
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever"
And thankful, I am.
Hey hey, just popped by to say hi! Wats a mochi btw? -Song
a mochi is a japanese confectionary made from rice paste(?) it ususally has red beans or some other fillings in it. Essentially it looks like a tang yuan.
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