Full circle
This marks the close of a significant chapter of my life

My memory of Japan
(Taken at that instance when the clouds cleared)
Landed myself a job at my firm of choice
Hanging out with loved ones that I havent seen for a year
Life is surreal. Its as if I have never left
Yet, when I see sushi and bento, a faint pang of longing hits
I had grown immensely, more certain, more secure, recharged
My viewpoints will never be the same
A treasure chest of memories, laughter, and promises
Dear friends, this will be the last post. Thank you for coming this long way with me, through 4 seasons, through ups and downs. I will be starting a new blog, somewhere. Just ask :P

My memory of Japan
(Taken at that instance when the clouds cleared)
Landed myself a job at my firm of choice
Hanging out with loved ones that I havent seen for a year
Life is surreal. Its as if I have never left
Yet, when I see sushi and bento, a faint pang of longing hits
I had grown immensely, more certain, more secure, recharged
My viewpoints will never be the same
A treasure chest of memories, laughter, and promises
Dear friends, this will be the last post. Thank you for coming this long way with me, through 4 seasons, through ups and downs. I will be starting a new blog, somewhere. Just ask :P