
Szechuan-styled hotpot dinner, Ijiri Hall
Since its Golden week and I refuse to pay exhorbitant prices to travel, the policy this year is: Stay in Fukuoka!
These are the (and still bestest) friends that I made in Japan, and the holidays are a good time to get together now that we are not all staying in the same place anymore. It was Tianfang's birthday celebration, and we went over to his new place, and he treated us to szechuan-styled "mala huoguo". They bought 2 kilograms of sliced lamb and by the end of the night we were all stuffed!

If it looks hot, i am telling u, it is!

Then, the quintessential pastime of every self-respecting mainland Chinese person. Table Tennis! After playing that the whole night, I think i must have picked up a skill or two from them, comeon, its in their blood... watch the olympics, and u will see! Haha
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