At Fukuoka Dome, cheering on the Hawks

Chihiro helped us get tickets for the SoftBank Hawks game against Hokkaido, first time watching baseball live in Japan! If you get bored watching the game, (it was 0-0 all the way till the 11th inning), you can amuse yoursel by waving the clappers (they call it the megaphone) in sync with the rest of the fanatic fans.

The 7th inning is "Lucky 7" where all the spectators blew up (pre-bought) balloons and release it after some anthemic song. wow. and i thought the kallang roar was impressive.

With my Uzbek and Belarussian friends. :)
I can't remember why Singapore got kicked out of the Malaysia cup so many many years back. I mean, watching the S-league does not give me half as much kick as watching Singapore thrash Perak/Pahang/whose-ever's ass. Those were glory days.

Chihiro helped us get tickets for the SoftBank Hawks game against Hokkaido, first time watching baseball live in Japan! If you get bored watching the game, (it was 0-0 all the way till the 11th inning), you can amuse yoursel by waving the clappers (they call it the megaphone) in sync with the rest of the fanatic fans.

The 7th inning is "Lucky 7" where all the spectators blew up (pre-bought) balloons and release it after some anthemic song. wow. and i thought the kallang roar was impressive.

With my Uzbek and Belarussian friends. :)
I can't remember why Singapore got kicked out of the Malaysia cup so many many years back. I mean, watching the S-league does not give me half as much kick as watching Singapore thrash Perak/Pahang/whose-ever's ass. Those were glory days.
becareful man... didnt u see hostel? heh
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