Wednesday, February 15, 2006


最近は色々なチョイスが決定をしなきゃ。Well, basically I am choosing my modules for next semester, and there are now options of me taking law in Japanese. However, let us do a comparison shall we?

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An extract from the WTO treaty that I studied last semester. It takes a good 5 minutes to underline and digest the convulated English.

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THIS on the other hand is a simple news article about Corporate Governance, using the Livedoor scandal as an example. When I say simple, I meant as simple as newspaper articles get. And it took me 30 minutes figuring out what the writer was trying to say, and another 15 minutes thinking of what I have to say about it.

And as lifeblooddraining as the latter is, I guess I will be choosing it over the one in English. I must be insane.


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