
Hotel room plus the first course of a long dinner eaten in the room. If u spot the white sashimi, thats fugu, or pufferfish.... eating it is living dangerously for it is poisonous and lethal if not prepared properly. We had view of the ocean outside the window as well. Sweet! Because of our package, they gave us a pass to visit all the onsens affliated with JR, and we went to rotemburo (open air hot-baths) after rotemburo until we became too nuah to walk and decided to stay in the room sipping green tea and catching up.

Takegawara onsen, the oldest onsen in Beppu. I wondered why we even decided to go in. The hotel*s onsen was much better.

Selected street scenes

Beppu town by night. My theory is that every city in Japan with enough pride would have a tower. Thats Beppu Tower, proudly sponsored by Asahi Beer, which I dont drink.
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