Day trip to Gyeongju, ancient capital of Korea
::Selected Shots::

I miss my freelancing days. At this point, we stand at the crossroads knowing that we either have to choose passion, or pragmatism, which means money. I am not sure how many people in law school are still in there for the passion, but me? not me. not anymore. but if not lawyering, what?
::Selected Shots::

I miss my freelancing days. At this point, we stand at the crossroads knowing that we either have to choose passion, or pragmatism, which means money. I am not sure how many people in law school are still in there for the passion, but me? not me. not anymore. but if not lawyering, what?
I miss you.
I know I'm always saying that, but so many times life drives me completely crazy and I wish you were here for me to talk to, and I don't mind leaving comments or SKYPEing, but I want you to be here to take my hand, pat my head and tell me everything is going to be okay.
Because some days it honestly feels like I cannot continue this way anymore, and I don't know what to do with myself.
I need you.
Come back soon. :(
Isnt it nice to be loved james-san?
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