The mid-term Japanese exams are over! And what better way than to celebrate than to party? The Icelandic law students invited us over to their place where they treated us to authentic Icelandic food! Lets just say that traditionally, because of Iceland's isolation, they have pretty erm... funky ways of preserving food.

These are nice, spot the black chunks of fried Sheep's blood and fat. Well at least they didn;t serve uss sheep testicles, another authentic Iceland food. The meat was cooked over sheep faeces. :P

With my icelandic friends! I'm glad they told me beforehand what it was, but me being gung-ho as usual tried eating everything... but by far the most nasty thing I have ever eaten in Japan, (and trust me I have eaten live fish, live octopus, squid and clams that try to crawl off my plate here in Japan) but nothing beats the shark meat that my icelandic friends served up. They had to keep it on the balcony because of the stench. Initially i was thinking what the fuss was all about, but after chewing the meat for a few seconds, the pee and uric acid and ammonia overwhelms... and I had to knock back some icelandic liquoir to kill that taste... NASTY!!!

Then again it was a great experience, THANKS GUYS for organising it! :D

These are nice, spot the black chunks of fried Sheep's blood and fat. Well at least they didn;t serve uss sheep testicles, another authentic Iceland food. The meat was cooked over sheep faeces. :P

With my icelandic friends! I'm glad they told me beforehand what it was, but me being gung-ho as usual tried eating everything... but by far the most nasty thing I have ever eaten in Japan, (and trust me I have eaten live fish, live octopus, squid and clams that try to crawl off my plate here in Japan) but nothing beats the shark meat that my icelandic friends served up. They had to keep it on the balcony because of the stench. Initially i was thinking what the fuss was all about, but after chewing the meat for a few seconds, the pee and uric acid and ammonia overwhelms... and I had to knock back some icelandic liquoir to kill that taste... NASTY!!!

Then again it was a great experience, THANKS GUYS for organising it! :D
Me like angmohs!
*puts on her little black dress*
you know... the icelandic shark it's a well known delicacy to their kind. in fact, they bury the shark and leave it to rot for awhile before eating it. they usually down it with hard liquor after that.
Trish: Oei, siao ah haha
Miyashi-san: You are right! I have heard about this delicacy as well but i never knew it would taste like.. that. Apparantly traditionally they used to pee on it before burying it (the pee flushes out the existing ammonia from the shark) so I should be grateful for modern scientific methods right?
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